Project title: Vastum separata
Beneficiary: Municipality of Donji Andrijevci
Co-operators: Garčin Municipality, Gundinci Municipality, Sikirevci Municipality, Slavonski Šamac Municipality, Velika Kopanica Municipality, Vrpolje Municipality
Brief description of the project: The project includes the implementation of educational and information activities in seven municipalities in the eastern part of Brod – Posavina County: Donji Andrijevci, Garčin, Gundinci, Sikirevci, Slavonski Šamac, Velika Kopanica and Vrpolje. The target group is all residents in the municipalities: Donji Andrijevci, Garčin, Gundinci, Sikirevci, Slavonski Šamac, Velika Kopanica and Vrpolje.
Educational and informative activities include:
- Leaflets for waste prevention, responsible waste management, separate waste collection, reuse of items, composting
- Guide to waste prevention, responsible waste management, separate waste collection, reuse of items, composting
- Posters for waste prevention, responsible waste management, separate waste collection, reuse of items, composting
- Specialized radio show on waste management
- Specialized television show on waste management
- Establishment of a website on waste management for the area of local self-government
- Public and educational forums on the topic of sustainable waste management
- Workshops for children of kindergarten age, preschool age and primary school
- Costumed plays and plays for children of kindergarten and preschool age and for children up to the 4th grade of primary school on the topic of sustainable waste management
- Marking dates related to environmental protection
- Competition in schools in making creative things from previously collected waste
- Radio educational-promotional videos dedicated to waste management
- Television educational-promotional videos dedicated to waste management
- Electronic advertisements for publication on Internet portals
- Advertisement in print media
- Sustainable waste management application for smartphones
Objectives and expected results: The aim of the project is to build awareness of residents in the municipalities of Donji Andrijevci, Garčin, Gundinci, Sikirevci, Slavonski Šamac, Velika Kopanica and Vrpolje, about the importance of responsible treatment of municipal waste. Through the implementation of the project, citizens will be informed and educated about responsible waste management. This will solve the central problem related to the excessive amount of waste that is disposed of in landfills.
Total value of the project and the amount co-financed by the EU: 529,036.72 HRK / 428,430.76
Project implementation period: 23.10.2018. – 23.06.2020.
Contact person for more information:
Municipality of Donji Andrijevci
Antonija Aračić Radman – project manager
Tel: 035 / 471-223
Regional Coordinator Center for Development of Brod-Posavina County
Magdalena Zmaić
Tel: 035 / 637-216